Don't let anyone take your enjoyment away from you. As someone who frequents the other subreddit with an open mind, I think it's awesome that there's now a place for people who want to avoid the controversy and just discuss the actual game. Thank you for reading and also, kudos for making a new community locale for players to discuss the game. I've been told by another user that they experience it too and it's not just Galactic Assault, but also in Blast and perhaps others. I have deleted and fully reinstalled the game to no avail the issue persists. It constantly gets me killed and is making it difficult to enjoy online multiplayer. The freezing occurs much more frequently when more players are around or the action gets intense (ships flying over, explosions, etc.). It looks to me like optimizations to get the game running on a standard PS4 have led to this freezing, but I'm mentioning it publicly in case other PS4 users have any advice. The Campaign and Starfighter Assault work flawlessly without any hiccups or glitches, but in Galactic Assault, I experience constant freezing on the PS4 version of the game. Step 4: Look for the Server Status icon at the top, right side of the page. Step 3: Click the game name in the area below the search box. Step 2: Type the name of your game into the search box. Hi! I asked about this on the r/StarWarsBattlefront but didn't get much feedback, so I was hoping maybe someone here had some advice. Click the Games menu item at the top of the page.